Can animals also be dumb and deaf like humans Know the answer behind this

Can animals also be dumb and deaf like humans Know the answer behind this

The population of humans on earth is more than 800 million. The body, expressions and appearance of all humans are also different. However, some of these humans are also dumb, deaf and blind due to various reasons. But the question is whether animals are also dumb and deaf like humans. Today we will give you the answer.

nature of animals

Let us tell you that innumerable animals are found on earth. The nature and capabilities of all animals are also different. Like some animals are vegetarian and some animals are carnivorous. Similarly, some animals are blind, dumb, deaf since childhood and some animals can see and hear like humans. Not only this, according to research many animals also have emotions like humans. But can an animal be deaf and dumb from birth? The answer is yes.

Are animals dumb and deaf?

According to experts, some animals can become dumb and deaf. In fact, deafness in animals can be congenital or can occur later. There can be many reasons for deafness in animals. Such as congenital disease, ear infection or injury. Apart from this, this problem has also been seen in many animals due to old age. Let us tell you that these animals include many animals including dogs, sheep, pigs. Apart from this, sometimes animals lose their ability to speak and hear due to accidents, infections and other reasons.

These animals are deaf and dumb from birth

Let us tell you that squirrels are deaf at the time of birth. However, after birth the rest of their senses develop. Jaguar cubs are also deaf and blind at birth. Wolves are also deaf and blind at birth. However, many times, after the problem of deafness and dumbness in pets, there have been cases of their recovery on the advice of veterinary doctors.

Does this problem occur in humans?

Even among humans, many children are dumb, deaf and blind at birth. In simple language it is called congenital disease. But many times, on the basis of modern science, such children have been successfully treated when they grow up, after which their ability to hear and speak has returned. Although such cases occur rarely. Many times, due to accidents, humans lose their ability to hear, speak and see. Apart from this, as humans grow older, their ability to hear, speak and see reduces.

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